Friday 8 July 2016

How To Be a Good Parent: Teach, Not Preach!

Always remember, “There is no job more important than parenting.” Being a parent means loving your children more than you have ever loved yourself. Parenting is a never ending job. Yes, it is not easy. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be a good parent. All you need is a little patience, and the feeling of love and care. Remember, you should try to be just a good parent, not to a perfect parent. So here are few tips for how to be a good parent.

Love and affection

Love and affection is the first thing that every parent should give to their child. This strengthens the bonding. A warm touch, love and care make your child comfortable, and he develops trust in you. With your deeds and words try and tell how much you love them. You should develop that kind of confidence, where the child feels free to share everything with you. 

Discipline matters

There should be no trade-off between discipline and love and affection. Both should coexist. Few rules and regulations are must to control your child. Set reasonable rules for your kids, rules which they can follow and help in their development. Make sure that they follow the rules. Always be consistent with the rules. Rules give protective feeling to kids, and thus ensure a happy life.

Teach them to be independent

Never confuse discipline with dictatorship. Discipline does not mean that you start dictating your child’s life. Let the child choose his/her own path. Teach your child that it is okay to be different and not being just one of the crowd. Guide and help them decide what is wrong and what is right. If you want to be a good parent, help and encourage your children to take their own decisions. If their decision is wrong, instead of scolding explain to them why it is wrong.

Give yourself time

How to be a good parent is not a degree you get after learning in a set time period. It is a daily learning process, which you and your partner experience each day. If things are not going according to your plan, do not lose hope just give some time to yourself. See why and where things are going wrong, after identifying the weak links start improving on them. 

What to do and what not

You must change few of your habits that may be affecting your child. For example you may not be spending quality time with your child. Remember the best thing a good parent can give to a child is time. You have to win their trust, so give them respect. Never try to show them down by comparing them with their friends or siblings. Boost their confidence by praising their efforts. If you want to be a good parent, always listen to them, always be there for them in their happy and sad moments. Do not criticize them always, just criticism their behavior to bring about the change.

Do not stop them always

Every time a child wants to do something new, normal tendency is to stop him. Do not do this always, it will hamper creativity. Then, remember mistakes are not always bad, so do not always stop them from making mistakes. A child learns from mistakes. Let your children experience life, allow them to learn new things and gain new experiences. Experiences are essential for development.

Help them in character building

It is duty of a good parent to child in character building. You need to be a role model as “children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” Be open and educate them about sex, alcohol and things that are considered `bad’. Tell them if they are actually bad, or why excess of certain things is bad. Encourage them to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Be reasonable

How to be a good parent doesn’t mean that you should be after their life 24X7.  Give them space and privacy, respect their individuality, do not overload them with unreasonable expectations, avoid unreasonable restrictions, control your temper and deal with them as a friend-parent mix, never give too many commands at a time and always be a team with your partner in front of your child. Just remember a good parent’s work is never over!   

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